

MYKO is a bioactive substance adjuvant to improve soil structure.
MYKO is a preparation of humic acids produced from lignin, 100% soluble, applied to soil or foliage. It looks like a scaly powder containing 90% humic acid salt, high in potassium salts and a specific flavor of vanilla. In addition, the product contains micro and macro elements.
Chemically, it is composed of micro and macromoleculars particles, whics are acting directly or indirectly on plants. Micromoleculars components of the product may be absorbed directly by the plant, through the leaf (foliage way). In contrast, macromolecular compounds act on the ground, among others, as a form of humus.

MYKO is used in all areas of agriculture, forestry and gardening. It can be used both alone, and in combination with chemical fertilizers and plant protection substances.
Its action leads to increased production and improved quality. Improves taste properties, increase product stability and content of vitamins, proteins, etc..
MYKO is not a fertilizer.
But fertilizers enhances absorption and increases efficiency.
A lengthy application improves soil structure, increase soil water storage capacity and prevents removal by washing nutrients.
Contribute to the development of stable humus, improving soil fertility.

MYKO supports root growth and development (meristem formation) or the development of a biological system upper soil by increasing its microbiological activity.
MYKO provides a rapid growth and improves plant health plant, contributing to the reduction of plant infestation with most fungal diseases.
MYKO is a fungicide.
When applying fungicides in combination with substances, reduce stress symptoms that occur after treatment and increases their effectiveness.
MYKO reduce susceptibility to stress caused by drought and frost.
MYKO can be mixed and used in combination with any type of fertilizer that chemical substances or environmental protection.

WARNING! Except selective herbicides

Dosing Recommendations:

• 300 g MYKO / ha in a single application of 2 to 3 times per season;
• dose is reduced to 200 g / ha, with a single application per season, where light soils
• 60-90 g MYKO / ha, in combination with fertilizer application and plant substances

• 50 g MYKO / 100 l water once a week as root and foliar application;
• In sensitive plants, 20 g MYKO / 100 l water or solution for foliar application

If users small amounts , Pentre better dosing is recommended MYKO-SOIL LH B in liquid (solution containing 12% MYKO ).

Other general guidelines:
Mixing MYKO with fertilizer or plant solutions, you should first dissolve MYKO in water to avoid precipitation reactions and to lower the pH.
Application in combination with phytohormones and / or microbial products, led partly to a smaller product required and even higher efficiency. On request, we are happy to inform you provided to other special modes of application.

• 80-100 g / m³ soil (substrate)
• compost 10 g / 10 l, of which 3.5 l / m² every new layer spread
• Lawn and Turf Course, 300-600 g / ha / year
• hydroponics, 0.005% – 0.001% of solution

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